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BRA CH16828

About our School

Board of Governors

Belfast Royal Academy is a voluntary grammar school and its management is vested in a Board of Governors on which parents and teachers are represented, along with Governors elected by Members of the Academy and nominees of the Minister of Education.

  1. Capt. (retd) N.R. Arnold, B.Ed. , P.Q.H.
  2. Ms. T. Barnett, M.A.
  3. Mr. N.W. Beggs
  4. Dr. K.M. Bill, M.B. Ch.B., F.C.A.I., F.R.C.A., F.F.I.C.M.
  5. Mr. M. L. Blake, LL.B., B.L.; Attorney at Law
  6. Miss K. Brady, B.Sc.
  7. Mrs. K.L. Burns, B.A.
  8. Ms. C.R. Dillon, B.A.
  9. Mr D. Flood, JP., B.Ed., Pg Cert.
  10. Mrs P. Gillies, B.Sc., M.B.A., F.C.A.
  11. Mrs. C. Latham, B.Ed., M.Sc., P.Q.H.
  12. Mr. B.W. McCormack, B.Sc. (Econ) F.C.A.
  13. Mr. B.D. Monroe, B.Sc.(Accts)., M.Acct., F.C.A.
  14. Prof. J. A. I. Montgomery, B.A., Ph.D., MISTD FRSA (Warden)
  15. Mr C. Nash, B.Sc.
  16. Mr. M. Orr, Q.C.,S.C.
  17. Mr. S.B. Orr, LL.B.
  18. Mr. D.E. Porter, M.Sc., C.Eng., M.IC.E., M.C.I.H.T., M.C.I.W.E.M.
  19. Mrs C. E. Rowan, B.Sc.(Management)
  20. Mr M.R. Shields, M.A.
  21. Mr. G.R. Simon, F.R.I.C.S.
  22. Mrs. E. Tohill, B.Sc., F.C.A.
  23. Mr. D.G. Walsh, B.Sc., M.B.A., C.Eng., M.I.M.E. (Vice Warden)
  24. Mr. S.J.S. Warke, A.C.I.I., Dip P.F.S., T.E.P. (Hon. Treasurer)
  25. Mrs. J. Weir, M.B.E., B.Sc., C.Math., M.I.M.A. (Hon. Secretary)
  26. Mrs. H. Woods, B.Sc., B.Ed., P.Q.H. (N.I.) (Principal - Non-voting member)

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Our office is open 8:15am - 4:15pm Monday to Friday.