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Open Events

Sixth Form Open Afternoon - Wednesday 21st August, 3pm

We welcome prospective Sixth Form pupils currently attending other schools to attend our Sixth Form Open Afternoon on Wednesday 21st August. Visit our Sixth Form Centre and hear about the 31 subjects on offer at AS and A Level at Belfast Royal Academy.


Open Evenings for Primary 7 pupils

Open Evening for P7 pupils and their parents are held in January each year. For the September 2025 intake, Open Evenings will take place on Wednesday 8th and Thursday 9th January 2025. More information to follow.


Please take this opportunity to have a look at our Prospectus.
We hope it gives you a sense of who and what we are and what makes the Academy such a unique and special place.

To request a copy of this Prospectus to be posted to you, please call the General Office on 028 9074 0423 or email your name and address to

Belfast Royal Academy Prospectus

6th Form Prospectus

Form 1 Admissions (Year 8)

Where bright futures begin

Choosing a school is one of the most important decisions that you make for your child’s future and we hope our prospectus gives you a sense of our vibrant and caring School and the wealth of opportunities available. We would encourage you to visit the School and meet staff and current pupils at one of our Open Days to see first-hand and experience all that Belfast Royal Academy has to offer.

Open Evenings for Form 1 admissions take place in January each year.

Admissions Criteria Form 1

Each year we admit 200 pupils into Form 1. Pupils are admitted according to our Admissions Criteria and are administered by the Transfer Office at the Education Authority. Our Admissions Criteria is renewed annually by our Board of Governors. The Admissions Criteria for entry into Form 1 for September 2024 is available below. It is not possible to apply directly to the School for a place in Form 1.


Post Primary Admissions September 2024

The Education Authority has confirmed the following timetable of key dates for Post Primary Admissions:

Admissions criteria live on EA Website - 11th January 2024

Online Applications open - 30 January 2024 (12 noon)

Online Applications close - 22 February 2024 (12 noon)

Notification of outcome of Applications - Saturday 18th May 2024

Special Circumstances and Special Provisions: guidelines and forms for parents/guardians

Please note that forms for Special Circumstances and Special Provisions should not be submitted to individual schools but uploaded via the EA portal.

EA portal will be open from 30th January until 22nd February 2024

If you have any queries with regards to this you can contact the Education Authority by email at

Post Primary Admissions September 2024

The Education Authority has confirmed the following timetable of key dates for Post Primary Admissions:

Admissions criteria live on EA Website - 11th January 2024

Online Applications open - 30 January 2024 (12 noon)

Online Applications close - 22 February 2024 (12 noon)

Notificiation of outcome of Applications - Saturday 18th May 2024

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Forms 2 – 5 (Years 9 – 12)

Occasionally a small number of places may become available in these year groups, depending on enrolment numbers at the start of the academic year.

Details of our Admissions Criteria and a link to our Application Form for September 2024 can be found in the download below.

The deadline for receiving applications for Forms 2 to 5 will be Wednesday 8th May 2024. Prospective candidates will then be invited to complete set assessments.

The Assessment Day is due to take place on Wednesday 5th June 2024.

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Sixth Form (Years 13 & 14)

Being part of our Sixth Form is both a challenging and stimulating experience. No-one ever regrets the experience of a wonderful education for those all-important A-level years. We always welcome talented and capable pupils into our Sixth Form to finish off their schooling to their maximum potential. At Belfast Royal Academy we create an environment in which our pupils achieve excellent examination results whilst also developing their personal and leadership skills.

Admissions Criteria for Sixth Form Entry
Pupils wishing to join our Sixth Form will normally require a minimum of 12 points at GCSE (A* = 4 points, A = 3 points, B = 2 points, C* = 1 ½ points, C = 1 point) and are expected to have achieved at least a Grade B in the subjects they wish to study for A level. Entry to Sixth Form is also dependent upon a pupil’s disciplinary record and school attendance. Details of our Admissions Criteria for September 2024 and entry to Sixth Form can be viewed in the document below. Prospective candidates should complete the online “Expression of Interest” form here.

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Belfast Royal Academy is a Voluntary Grammar School and as a result it is permitted to levy fees and charges in respect of registered pupils in certain limited circumstances.

The capital fee of £140 per pupil is a compulsory annual charge and should be paid at the beginning of each academic year. In addition, we also request a supplementary parental contribution of £300 per pupil which has remained unchanged over the last 4 years.

The combined annual charge amounts to £440 per pupil, which is equivalent to a daily payment of less than £1.20, which is excellent value for money for the high quality, rounded education offered at our school.


Why your help matters

Whilst the supplementary parental contribution is not mandatory, this money goes towards our general school funds and greatly assists in alleviating the growing financial pressures faced by the school. In recent years, you will no doubt be aware of ongoing reductions in grant funding to schools in Northern Ireland. This funding has fallen further and further below the ordinary running costs of the school and the financial position is becoming increasingly difficult. The supplementary contributions we receive from parents are essential to fill the gap and allow the school to continue to provide a quality education for all its students and enable us to offer the wide range of subject choices, as well as the extensive programme of extra-curricular activities. The income provided by parental contributions helps to fund various other aspects of school life, including transport and provision of school buses and development and maintenance of our facilities.


Payment options
To facilitate payments, the School operates a system of monthly direct debits for the collection of fees. This monthly direct debit system removes the inconvenience of arranging to pay bills, as once you have signed up, the mandate will continue as long as the pupil remains at the school. The annual fees are paid over a ten-month period from September to June (around the last working day of each month), thereby spreading the charge and making it more affordable.

Belfast Royal Academy is a registered charity and we encourage all parents to take advantage of the HMRC Gift Aid Scheme, which means the School can claim back tax on parental contributions, at no extra cost to you. More information about this scheme is detailed on the Gift Aid Declaration.

If you have any questions regarding Fees or Parental Contributions, please contact the Finance Office on 028 9074 0423 or email


Contact Us
Should you have any queries with regards to admissions please contact the School Office on 028 9074 0423 or email

Get in touch

Our office is open 8:15am - 4:15pm Monday to Friday.