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Celebrating our Global Alumni

In Spring 2024, the School launched a new 'Global Alumni Initiative', a video project to celebrate the theme of 'Belonging' to Belfast Royal Academy and the special connection many still have with the School. Using images of many of our alumni who now live and work outside Northern Ireland, the initiative both shares this continuing affinity with School and increases motivational outcomes across all year groups. We have long recognised the importance of our alumni in terms of promoting aspiration and being effective role models for our current pupils who will be inspired by our alumni's achievements and global presence.

The video was launched as the Class of 2024 prepared to take their next steps out into the world. It showcases the talent of our amazing Chamber Choir who sing 'The Parting Glass', a traditional Scottish folksong often sung at the end of a gathering of friends. We wish our Leavers well and ask that they stay in touch, so that we many similarly share in and celebrate their achievements in years to come.

Thank you to all those who participated in this initiative and to the School's Director of Music, Ms Mary McMullan.

Play video The Parting Glass
Pause video

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