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Pupil Wellbeing

Health & Wellbeing


In addition to our teaching staff we have a School Matron on duty daily from 9am – 3:10pm. Our Matron is a registered nurse who supervises our Medical Centre and deals with pupil medical issues, illnesses and first aid, as well as providing help, support and guidance to pupils. Matron will make contact with parents if a pupil is ill and needs collected from school. Pupils should not make contact with home themselves.

Matron also keeps records of all pupils requiring essential medication or specific allergies. Parents can contact Matron via the School Office on 028 9074 0423.

School Counselling Service

We also have a range trained counsellors on site each week to provide confidential one-to-one sessions with pupils and to support them with sensitive or emotional issues. Counselling in school is provided by Family Works through the ICSS. Pupils are advised to speak to their Head of Year if they feel they would benefit from counselling, however appointments are limited and there may be a waiting list. Mentoring is also available via YEHA and Streetbeat.

Mara Faye 6 2 Learning Support

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Belfast Royal Academy is committed to promoting equality, diversity and inclusion within the School community. It seeks to ensure that all members of the school are valued equally, regardless of religion or belief, disability, race, gender, sexual orientation or transgender identity. As a result, prejudicial bullying of any sort is unacceptable and recorded in accordance with the Anti-bullying Policy in school. We recognise that the School is enriched by the diversity that each individual brings and are committed to creating a safe, welcoming environment for all, where each learner can flourish, knowing that differences are respected.


Get in touch

Our office is open 8:15am - 4:15pm Monday to Friday.