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BRA CH17090

Pupil Wellbeing

Reporting a Concern


I have concerns about a pupil’s safety.
I can talk to the Head of Year.

If I am still concerned I can talk to Mr Hughes (Designated Teacher) or Mr McCarey / Mrs McIntyre / Mrs McNally (Deputy Designated Teachers).

If I am still concerned I can talk to
the Principal, Mrs Woods


Member of staff has concerns about a pupil. Staff member does not investigate or promise confidentiality.

Staff member acts promptly. Pupil may need to be kept under supervision. Staff member refers matter urgently to Designated Teacher or a Deputy.

If complaint is against the Designated Teacher, a Deputy or the Principal, another member of the Safeguarding Team is informed.

Staff member fills in Incident Log
(Appendix 4 of the full policy document).

How to contact the Safeguarding Team

Any person may make contact with a member of the Safeguarding Team through the School Office 028 9074 0423. The Chairperson or Vice Chairperson of the Board of Governors may be contacted through Mr Ciaran McAuley, Secretary to the Board. If he is unavailable, then contact should be made through the Principal’s Secretary. All contacts will be dealt with in a strictly confidential manner.


Get in touch

Our office is open 8:15am - 4:15pm Monday to Friday.