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Mara Faye 1 2 Child Protection

Pupil Wellbeing

Safeguarding & Child Protection

Belfast Royal Academy recognises its statutory duty to contribute to the safeguarding of the pupils in its care and aims to ensure the provision of a safe and supportive learning environment for every pupil.

Responsibility in school for Safeguarding and Child Protection rests with the Board of Governors but is delegated to the Designated Teacher for Child Protection, assisted by two Deputy Designated Teachers. Training in Safeguarding and Child Protection for all staff, both teaching and support staff, takes place every two years (with updates every year) and staff are trained to recognise signs of abuse as well as how to respond when there is a Child Protection concern.

Our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy aims to safeguard all pupils and includes a Code of Conduct for staff that clearly outlines the expectations of staff regarding their contact with pupils. The school also works in co-operation with external agencies when child abuse is suspected.


Safeguarding Team

Chairperson of Board of Governors

Mr E Porter

Vice Chairperson of Board of Governors

Mr D Walsh

Designated Governor for Child Protection

Mr N Arnold


Mrs H Woods


Mr T Hughes

Designated Teacher
Chris mccarey

Mr C McCarey

Deputy Designated Teacher

Mrs K McIntyre

Deputy Designated Teacher
Mc Nally Joanne

Mrs J McNally

Deputy Designated Teacher

The Chairperson of the Board of Governors, through the Designated Governor for Child Protection, shall ensure that the application of the school’s Safeguarding policy is monitored and that reports are made to the Board of Governors by the Designated Teacher for Child Protection at least annually.

Get in touch

Our office is open 8:15am - 4:15pm Monday to Friday.