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Our Aims

It is our aim to encourage an enthusiastic interest in the study of the past, while developing in our pupils the ability to think critically about causation and sources of evidence. We also seek to develop the pupils’ skill of empathy, the ability to understand the motives, experiences and reactions of different individuals or groups within an historical situation. Pupils will also be encouraged to communicate information, arguments and conclusions clearly and coherently in writing and orally. The History Department has embraced the opportunities provided by being involved in the North Belfast Area Learning Community (NBALC) and has established links with local schools with a view to promoting the teaching of History in the area. The main manifestation of this link has been the provision of a series of lectures on Irish History for pupils studying the A2 course ‘The Partition of Ireland 1900-1925’


Subject Leader

Dr C. Adair


Ms K. Barnett


Mr A. Cave


Mrs R. Chambers


Mrs R. Christie


Mr S. Kitchen


Mrs H. Tate


  • Key Stage 3
  • GSCE
  • AS/ A Level

Facilities & Resources

The History Department is located at the top of the Crombie building in rooms of much character. Each room in the department has a touchscreen to enabled staff to use online and digital material to bring the past to life. Classes are also given the opportunity to use the ICT suite and are encouraged to use the School Library; both of these facilities are located in the Crombie building, convenient to the History Department.

Get in touch

Our office is open 8:15am - 4:15pm Monday to Friday.